Objection Against Trademark Applications Providing Protection of Registered Trademarks
After the trademark applications are made, the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office can evaluate the necessary examinations and decide to approve or reject the trademark. Applications that receive trademark registration approval are published in the Official Trademark Bulletin. The purpose of this publication is for other trademark owners to object to the application.
Companies following the brand bulletin may appeal to trademark applications for advertisements that will damage their own brands. Necessary objection can be made to prevent registration of the application. Persons wishing to block the registration of an application can appeal the decision within 2 months after the application is published in the bulletin. Brands that have applied as the same or similar of an existing trademark cannot be registered.
How to Appeal Against Trademark Applications?
First of all, if you have a registered brand, you should constantly follow up on the brand bulletin. Trademark bulletin tracking offers the opportunity to examine new trademark registration applications. Applications that will damage the image of a registered trademark, mislead the public, and risk being confused should definitely be objected.
The objection to the application published in the bulletin must be justified and written. The trademark application objection must be in full compliance with the sample Annex II of the Regulation Indicating the Application Method of the Decree Law No. 556 on the Protection of Trademarks. Our company, which provides professional services in objection to trademark applications , quickly takes actions to protect your trademark right in accordance with the legal legislation.
Appeal Against Trademark Applications In Terms of Brand Quality
The quality and value of a brand is determined by the perception of the consumers it serves. Imitated brands and companies that use brand awareness adversely affect the perception of the consumer. Firms that serve in the market, like or similar to a trusted brand, cause great damage to the original brand.
Brand bulletin tracking is a brand tracking method that all registered brands should do on a regular basis. Applications that damage the trademark determined in the trademark bulletins can be eliminated by objection without any possible problems. When objection to trademark applications is made quickly and in accordance with the legislation, damage to the brand image is prevented from the very beginning. Our company carries out the bulletin follow-up, application determination and objection process on your behalf with its legal team specialized in the field of trademark rights protection.